
Non-standard Induction Routes

Reduced Induction

If an ECT has extensive prior experience of teaching whole-classes to the Teachers’ Standards (eg a teacher who has taught in the independent sector or who has gained QTS via the assessment-only route), the Appropriate Body has discretion to reduce the length of the induction period to a minimum of one term to recognise this experience. Schools should contact Paula Casey ( prior to the ECT starting induction to enquire about this option. Astra's Request to Reduce ECT Induction policy can be found here.


Part-time Induction

ECTs serving induction on a part-time basis may, on completion of a period covering but not equivalent to two full years, be able to have their induction period reduced. It is for the Appropriate Body to consider whether to grant a reduction and bring forward the final assessment point. Schools should contact Paula Casey ( to enquire about this option. Astra's Part-time ECT policy can be found here


Moving schools part way through Induction

If an ECT joins your school part-way through their induction period, the school should obtain copies of previous Progress Reviews and Formal Assessments completed for the ECT (Astra will also request copies of these). The ECT will need to be registered with the DfE Online Service, Appropriate Body and ECF Lead Provider (if using). It is possible for ECTs to transfer between ECF Lead Provider programmes during induction. 

If an ECT leaves your school part-way through their induction period an interim assessment will need to be completed by the school before the ECT leaves their post to ensure the ECT's progress and performance since the last formal assessment is captured. The DfE Online Service, Appropriate Body and ECF Lead Provider (if using) will also need to be updated.


Teachers trained outside England

From February 2023 the DfE will be introducing a new professional recognition service to allow a fairer approach to awarding QTS to teachers from overseas and determining if ECT induction is required, please check the DfE website for further information on this.