

From Autumn 24 there will be an NPQ for Special Educational Needs & Disability (NPQSENCO). This new NPQ replaces the previous NASENCO qualification and will be fully funded for schools however the numbers are capped so we recommend applying as soon as possible.

Important Information - NPQ for SENCOs

  • All mainstream schools (including Academies and Free Schools) must have a qualified teacher, or head teacher, designated as the SENCO. 

  • The existing three-year window to complete the mandatory qualification upon taking up a SENCO post will remain. Schools and SENCOs will need to ensure that, where necessary, they are enrolled on training that will allow them to meet this requirement. 

  • SENCOs who have already gained the NASENCo award do not need to complete the NPQ for SENCOs.

  • The NPQ for SENCOs is not limited to solely SENCO roles, it is also open to any senior leader to promote the need for ‘distributed leadership’ as part of a school’s responsibility to support children with SEN. 

  • NPQ scholarship funding will be available to support participants undertaking the new mandatory NPQ for SENCOs in Autumn 2024. Places are limited so it is important for schools to apply as early as possible if they have a SENCO needing the qualification.

  • Astra TSH will be delivering the NPQ for SENCOs in partnership with Best Practice Network.


For further information about the course, click here

To apply, click here


Page Downloads  
DfE NPQ SENCOs Download