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I am an ECT - what does induction mean for me?
What is ECT induction?
Once you have gained Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), you will be required to complete two years of induction as an Early Career Teacher (ECT). Part-time ECTs may take longer to complete induction and some ECTs who have previous teaching experience prior to gaining QTS may be considered for a reduced induction period.
Induction can take place in almost any state school, academy, free school or independent school (excluding underperforming schools or schools with special measures imposed - unless Ofsted has judged a school to be suitable to host induction in these circumstances).
You can be a supply teacher, but periods of less than one term cannot be counted towards induction. There is no time limit for starting induction or completing induction, however, after 5 years you can no longer work as a short-term supply teacher without induction.
To commence induction, your employing school must register you with an Appropriate Body.
During induction, you’ll receive professional development training, known as the Early Career Framework (ECF), which structures training around the Teachers’ Standards. Using evidence of what new teachers most need to know or do, the ECF will help with classroom strategies and to reflect on your own practice.
Your employing school may provide ECF training themselves or use an external provider recommended by their local Teaching School Hub (TSH).
Support is provided by an induction tutor (usually the Headteacher or a member of the senior leadership team), who gives targeted feedback on your classroom practice, assessing you against the Teachers’ Standards.
Additionally, you will have an in-school ECF mentor who will have regular meetings with you structured around the ECF materials.
To allow you time for this training and mentoring, your teaching timetable will be reduced by 10% in Year 1 and 5% in Year 2 of your induction (in addition to PPA).
What are my statutory entitlements as an ECT?
In summary, your entitlements during induction are as follows:
Suitable post for induction as a classroom teacher
10% reduced TT in Year 1 and 5% reduced TT in Year 2 (in addition to PPA)
Timetabled weekly 1:1 mentor meeting in Year 1 and fortnightly in Year 2
ECF-based training programme as part of induction
Opportunities to observe colleagues and access to relevant CPD
Regular observations and feedback opportunities
Progress review meetings with an induction tutor
How do I pass induction?
To pass induction, your induction tutor will complete termly progress reviews and two formal assessments (one at the end of Year 1 and the second at the end of Year 2) to assess whether you are satisfactorily meeting the Teachers' Standards. An ECT cannot fail induction until the end of the induction period, during induction an ECT is either 'on track' or 'not on track' to meeting the Teachers' Standards.
If your school recommends that you are satisfactorily meeting all the Teachers’ Standards in your final formal assessment at the end of your induction period, the Appropriate Body will moderate and sign off on your completion of induction, and update your teacher record at the TRA. Once this has been completed, you can obtain your digital ECT certificate of induction here.